Voting Machines Update

Dear Patriots, There has been quite a bit of news on voting machines in the past few days. At Defending The Republic we believe that no voting machines should ever be used. All votes should (1) be cast by paper ballot; and, (2) be hand counted on the day of the...

Good News Friday: June 3, ’22

Dear Patriots, There is good news leaking out all over the place. The left no longer seems to be able to control the narrative. Read all about it! 1- WE WERE RIGHT! Emerald Robinson on Substack The Federal Government Admits: Voting Machines Can Be Hacked! QUOTE: The...

DTR Files Class Action Suit …

On May 18, 2022, Associated Gospel Churches (“AGC”) and Defending the Republic (“DTR”), filed a class action complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida on behalf of military chaplains in Alvarado v. Austin, III,...

Nothing Happens By Chance

Dear Patriots, THEY say that when we raise issue with leftist policy that we are “conspiracy nuts”. We say: Nothing happens by chance. It is up to you to know what is happening in this world.  They do not want the truth to leak out. 1- Keep an eye out for...

Good News Friday: May 27, ’22

Dear Patriots, We are broken hearted over the terrible shooting this week in Texas. It casts a pall on anything that might be good news this week. We hope that this event will open up deeper conversations on the mental health of our young adults, who have been...

We Cannot Accept This Fate

Dear Patriots, Here are some longer pieces we wanted to share with you. They take some time to read. We are on a constant quest to arm you with information to know and to share. As busy people, most of us can, often, only consume the headlines, when a deeper...