Dear Patriots,

Around the world there are thousands of courageous people fighting every day for freedoms the Global Leftist Elites are working endlessly to take from people.

We praise these brave people in America, Italy and iran who are taking the arrows for us all. Thank God for them all.

1- There are many problems outlined in this 29 page lawsuit.

Emerald Robinson on Substack 

Fulton County Sues Dominion Voting Systems!

QUOTE: On September 20th, Fulton County (PA) filed a lawsuit against Dominion Voting Systems for breach of contract and breach of warrant.

Need I tell you, dear reader, that America’s corrupt corporate media ignored this landmark lawsuit?

There’s also a high probability that someone in Canada was running Fulton County’s elections remotely. “The log files for the Adjudication device showed an IP address of, which derives from a location in Quebec, Canada and that this revealed a serious issue to be connected remotely to a Canadian system.”

Fulton County’s 29-page lawsuit (read it here). It’s a killer for electronic voting machines in America.

2- Another court win for those fired for bravely refusing the injection.


Judge rules vaccine mandate invalid for PBA members

QUOTE:  A judge has ruled that New York City’s COVID vaccine mandate is invalid as it applies to members of the Police Benevolent Association.

Manhattan State Supreme Court Judge Lyle Frank ruled the city cannot terminate PBA members for not getting vaccinated, suggesting instead that the city make vaccination requirements part of the PBA’s contract.

He said that all PBA members who were fired or put on leave without pay because of that mandate should be reinstated.

“This decision confirms what we have said from the start: the vaccine mandate was an improper infringement on our members’ right to make personal medical decisions in consultation with their own health care professionals. We will continue to fight to protect those rights,” PBA President Patrick Lynch said.

3- Masks are a symbol of fear and compliance. They do not keep anyone from illness. It is great that the CDC has finally reached that conclusion.

Becker’s Hospital Review  

CDC drops universal masking guideline for healthcare workers

QUOTE: The CDC dropped its universal masking guideline for healthcare workers after a weeklong slowdown in COVID-19 hospitalizations and nursing home infections nationwide, CBS News reported Sept. 23.

The change is one of the final sets of revisions to overhaul recommendations for COVID-19 since August. The CDC says healthcare facilities should still rely on its original “Community Transmission” benchmarks. This means over a quarter of counties nationwide can choose not to require masking in their facilities.

4- The election in Italy resulted in a massive win for freedom over the global elites. Giorgia Meloni’s speech was so frightfully excellent that YouTube removed it.

Defiant America 

Italy’s New Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni Victory Speech Terrified The Globalists In The EU And The U.S.

QUOTE: The Italian Center Right Party won big in national elections on Sunday making Georgia Meloni the first female leader in the country’s history.

Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party won the general elections on Sept. 25, leading a conservative alliance that will likely form the most right-wing government in the country since World War II.

Throughout the election cycle, Meloni campaigned on the slogan, “God, homeland, and family,” and has been a staunch defender of the Christian, nuclear family.

And after she won during her victory speech she terrified the globalists in the EU and the U.S.

Here are some highlights from her speech:

–Our main enemy today is the globalist drift of those who view identity and all its forms to be an evil to overcome. And constantly ask to shift real power away from the people to super-national  entities headed by supposedly enlightened elites.

–Let us be clear in our mind, because we did not fight against and defeat communism in order to replace it with a new international regime, but to permit independent nation states once again to defend the freedom, identity and sovereignty of their peoples…

–As a serious alternative to the bureaucratic super state ..and although that someone in Brussels or Frankfort, Davos or the City of London, lacks democratic legitimacy, everyday it commissions the economic choices and political decisions of those who have invested in that legitimacy by their popular vote.

5- We are praying for the extremely brave women of Iran who are protesting their oppressive loss of freedoms by their government.

Frontpage Magazine 

Iranian Women Cast Off Their Hijabs

QUOTE: The death in police custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman, has ignited nationwide protests across Iran.

Amini was beaten to death by the mullahs’ morality police after she was detained in Tehran on 13 September, after failing to comply with the regime’s strict hijab (headscarf) rules.

Women in Iran have been treated as second-class citizens by the mullahs for more than four decades. The misogynist lunacy of the clerical regime has even extended to a demand by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that cartoon character women must wear the hijab. Now, in Iran, even animated female characters in cartoons cannot reveal their hair!

Women’s dress codes are under constant scrutiny. They must wear the hijab and ‘morality police’ are on relentless patrol to enforce the law. Women, particularly young women, are singled out for brutal attacks for the ‘crime’ of mal veiling. Girls who were deemed to be improperly dressed in the street have suffered horrific acid attacks and stabbings, in assaults openly condoned by the mullahs. Teenage girls, arrested for the offence of posting videos of themselves dancing or singing on social media, have been publicly flogged. Young female students attending end-of-term parties have been fined and beaten. This is what gender equality looks like in Iran today.

6- Riley Gaines is a brave young women. She is one of the few female athletes standing up to the madness that is boys in girls sports.

If you would like to hear more from Riley listen to this interview on The Clay and Buck show.

Here is a quote from her on the tactics used to silence female athletes who know this is wrong.

QUOTE: There’s been a lot of messaging privately, and of course, it’s because people are scared, especially girls within the Ivy League. They are so emotionally blackmailed. People at their schools within the athletic department are telling them that they will never get into grad school; they will never get a job. Their school has taken their stance for them, and if they so choose to speak out and any harm comes to any sort of transgender athlete, they are solely responsible. And so, these girls are silenced, they’re intimidated, and feel like they’re in the wrong for thinking

Washington Examiner 

Rand Paul teams up with former college swimmer for campaign ad on transgender sports

QUOTE: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) teamed up with former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines in a new campaign ad taking aim at transgender athletes competing in women’s sports.

The 30-second spot, which is slated to air digitally and on television, features Gaines, who gained attention for speaking out on the issue after being defeated in a national match by transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, asserting she plans to vote for Paul and applauding him for his support on the issue.

“I trained from an early age, giving it my all to achieve my dream. And I accomplished it, becoming a 12-time All-American swimmer at the University of Kentucky,” Gaines says in the ad. “But for girls across America, that dream is being taken away by men competing in women’s sports,” Gaines added. “Sadly, few stood up for me, but Rand Paul is not afraid to fight for fairness for women and girls, and that’s why I’m supporting him.”

Paul told the Washington Examiner that he got in contact with Gaines after seeing her appear on Tucker Carlson Tonight a few months back and felt it was an issue that he should address.  “I was waiting for someone to stand up for us. Really, over the course of a couple of months, when this all broke issue, or broken to light became an issue,” Gaines said in an interview.

7- Leftist policies make people everywhere more vulnerable to crime. In an election ploy to fool voters, the Democrats are desperate to walk back their failed approach to criminal behavior.

Fox News 

Democrats in competitive House races flip-flop on criminal justice provisions they once championed

QUOTE: A recent poll found crime is more of a concern for voters than abortion is ahead of the midterms.

Several Democrats who are engaged in competitive House races have altered their stances on criminal justice provisions they previously championed as the midterm elections approach.

Crime has become an important concern for voters ahead of the November elections, with a poll last week indicating that they believe Republicans are more equipped to handle the issue that is now of more importance to them than abortion.

According to the survey produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates in New York City, the economy (89%), education (77%) and inflation (76%) topped out the issues voters consider “highly important” as midterms loom, but those issues were followed closely by crime at 69%, which beat out abortion at 62%.

8- It would be such a gift to the world if this person left the political stage.

The North State Journal 

The implosion of Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams’ gubernatorial campaign

QUOTE: In the four years since Abrams lost her election, she was floated as a contender for the U.S. Senate, a vice presidential possibility for Joe Biden, and some even suggested she run for president.

Instead, Abrams decided to run for governor again, apparently thinking the second time would be the charm.

So far, it hasn’t been. Abrams’ 2022 campaign for governor has been plagued with problems, all of which can be blamed on Stacey Abrams herself.

To date, Abrams hasn’t led in a single poll taken on her rematch with Kemp, and over the last two weeks Kemp has expanded his lead over Abrams to well outside the margin of error in most polls with just a few weeks to go before election day.

9- We need more than 30 standing up but, it’s a start!


30 ex-FBI agents stand up to support whistleblower who exposed agency’s political bias

QUOTE: Thirty former FBI agents, including a retired deputy assistant director, head of counterterrorism and five SWAT team members, have spoken out publicly in support of suspended FBI whistleblower Stephen Friend.

Their heartfelt messages, obtained exclusively by The Post, show a deep and widespread anguish about the politicization of the FBI.

“It’s time to stop the FBI from being the enforcer of a political party’s ideology,” says Ernie Tibaldi, a retired agent from San Francisco. “We need to re-establish the FBI as the apolitical and independent law enforcement entity that it always was.”

He expressed gratitude to Friend “for having the courage to stand up to the corruption that has taken over the leadership of the FBI.”

Many former agents hailed Friend, a SWAT team member in Florida, as a “hero” after he was punished for refusing to participate in what he regarded as unnecessarily heavy-handed SWAT raids over Jan. 6 misdemeanors.

In his whistleblower complaint to the Department of Justice inspector general, Friend alleged that the FBI has been manipulating case-file management in order to falsely inflate the threat of domestic terrorism, and using unconstitutional excessive force against political dissenters.

Pray that God will protect and encourage the brave who fight for freedom.

Pray for the people hurt by Hurricane Ian that they may be made whole quickly.

Pray for all of the Republican candidates brave enough to run for office. Pray that God will inspire them and protect them from evil.

Pray. Share. Pray. 

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic