They won’t stop us

Dear Patriots, The email marketing system that we have used for some time to send these emails to supporters from is called MailChimp,a popular email marketing platform. Yesterday, we were informed by MailChimp that they will no longer do business...

Good News Friday !!

Dear Patriots, It is all too easy to run across”bad news” especially if you rely upon The Left’s Drive By Media. We will give you The Good News to take you into a summer weekend.Whether it be on the election fraud/audit front, or the Covid-CCP lies,...

Sidney Explains It All …

Dear Patriots, We have shared with you a small clip of Sidney’s appearance in Dallas over Memorial Day weekend.The whole 60 minutes of this amazingly open and honest event and it is well worth your time to watch it. BUT, we know that many of you are busy so we...

Fighting the COVID – CCP Vaccine Battle

Dear Patriots, We have received messages from many of you currently fighting with employees and schools over forced COVID-CCP vaccines.  (CCP = Chinese Communist Party) This past week there has been conflicting information.  Should businesses and schools have...

June 3, 2021 – Dallas Rally / COVID Vaccine Update

Dear Patriots, So much has happened in the last few days! We want to keep you up to date but we are also sensitive to sending you too many emails. We will pack this one with information! Over the weekend, in Dallas, TX, there was a great event called For God &...

Memorial Day Message

Dear Patriots:Our freedom, in this marvelous country, is not free. It is not easy. It is not without risks. Sometimes we are called to pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. On this Memorial Day, we remember the massive sacrifices, over our nearly 245...