Game Over

Dear Patriots, If you are paying attention, there is more information on the cheating, fraud and deception perpetuated by the left to win elections.  Frankly, it is a wonder that any Republican ever wins an election! It is wonderful to know that, way under the radar,...

Good New Friday: Jan 28

Dear Patriots, Yes, there is disturbing news coming at us. However, for a few minutes spend some time with THE GOOD NEWS! 1- We are always reminding you that there are a lot of people who are working on various elections issues in different states. However, it is...

Enough: Election, Protests, Covid

Dear Patriots, We promised you more information on the rallies over the weekend.  We have that and more items of interest. 1- Senator Ron Johnson convened a panel of experts that the left has tried to silence and keep from you. That is not working out well for them....

It was a weekend of protests

Dear Patriots, All over the world people, yearning to be free from their tyrannical governments, protested. You will not read/hear about these massive protests in Fake News, including the ones that happened in our own country, like The Defeat the Mandate rally in...

Good News Friday: January 21

Dear Patriots, What a crazy week we have just lived through. We are happy that, by the skin of our teeth, we have survived the Democrats attempt to by-pass the Constitution’s guidelines on elections. Constitutionally, elections are under the control of each...