We Win Some … We Lose Some

Dear Patriots, This week is bringing us mixed results. One step forward, one step back. Despite that, we remain determined and optimistic that we will win back the country. 1- This is not the outcome we had hoped for. The Epoch Times Jan. 6 Defendant Couy Griffin...

Remain Skeptical

Dear Patriots, Remain skeptical is the best advice we can give now. No matter what the topic, do not believe most of what you hear and read. 1- The far left Democrats on the January 6 Committee have admitted that they are only keeping their scam operation going to get...

Good News Friday : 03/18/22

Dear Patriots, Our victories may seem small.  They also may not make it “above the fold” in the news. But, we want to celebrate and build on all the WINS!  They add up. 1- A small race in the bluest of states has surprising results. New Jersey Globe...

Policy Matters

Dear Patriots, Political policy is not the most exciting topic. In fact, to many, it is as dull as dirt.  However, policy matters. Policy has consequences.  Leftist policy has bad results. We point this out because the Fake News will never admit their policy ideas end...

Don’t Be Distracted

Dear Patriots, With the world absorbed in war, we still focus on what is happening in the USA. Do not be distracted. 1- We are not out of the woods on Covid-CCP. At any moment, Biden and Fauci could shut us down again. Frontpagemag  Dialectical Faucism. Biden’s...


Dear Patriots, We had a major victory at Defending The Republic this week. 1- We are thrilled that this case was dropped and pray that the other unfounded cases are likewise dismissed. The Republic Brief   Judge Drops $2.7B Smartmatic Suit Against Sidney Powell...