Good News Friday: 08/19/22

Dear Patriots, Another eventful week with more good news leaking out. 1- Kurt Schlichter uses some colorful language to express what many of us feel about the old Republican Party. The good news is that we are slowly showing the political world that we do not want...

It is always and only about Elections

Dear Patriots, It is always and only about elections. One side wants to have fair and honest voting. The other side is constantly scheming new ways to steal elections. 1- The armed raid on President Trump’s home is the beginning of the rigging of the 2024...

The CDC Finally Grows Up

Dear Patriots, We are thrilled that the CDC is at long last making decisions about Covid-CCP that make sense. It has been a long two years of very bad decisions from this government agency. We continue to watch the interesting fall-out from the raid of President...

Good News Friday: 08/12/22

Dear Patriots, It has been a disturbing week, which started with the the raid on President Trump’s home. Note that the left is trying to redefine yet another word. RAID. It seems the FBI is taking offense to the term as a description of their action.  I guess we...

All tyrannies rule through fraud and force

Dear Patriots, “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.” – George Orwell The Global Elites are now resorting to unconstitutional force against a former President and potential...

You can be the rock in a pond

Dear Patriots, The reason we send you information and ask you weekly to share it is because there is a massive effort to keep divergent information away from people. If a story or an opinion or a fact falls out of the approved elitist/leftist/communist playbook, it...