The Prayer: “Father, we thank you for this awesome privilege to be in your presence. Thank you that you’ve allowed us to see this day; the Bible says that your mercies are new every morning,” he continued, going on to thank God for Trump and the opportunity He has given his cabinet to lead the nation.
Father God, we give you the glory and the honor. Thank you, God, for President Trump; for appointing us, Father God, thank you for anointing us to do this job. We pray that we would lead with a righteous clarity. As we serve the people of this country in every prospective agency, every job that we have, Father, we would humble ourselves before You, and we would lead in a manner that You’ve called us to lead and to serve.
Father, the Bible says, ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.’ But Father, we today honor You and in your rightful place. Father, thank You for giving us this opportunity to restore faith in this country and be a blessing to the people of America. Lord God, today in our meeting, we pray that You will be glorified in our conversation, in Jesus’ name.”