DTR Press Release: Alvarado v Austin
TAMPA FL – On May 18, 2022, attorneys Arthur Schulcz of Chaplains Counsel, PLLC, Brandon Johnson of Defending the Republic, and Andrew Meyer of the Finn Law Group filed a lawsuit in the Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division, ... initiating a class action on...
PRESS RELEASE: DTR Demands that the FDA Stop Hiding Information…
Defending The Republic Demands The FDA Stop Hiding Information From the American Public Today, Defending the Republic filed suit in a Dallas federal court demanding the FDA stop hiding information from the American public and produce ALL data and records it was...
DTR PRESS RELEASE: Coker v. Austin Motion to Compel Discovery
DTR PRESS RELEASE: DTR asks court to force DOD
DTR ask court to force the Department of Defense to produce documents Defending the Republic have asked a federal court to compel the military - including the Department of Defense - to uphold their discovery obligations and produce documents requested on behalf of...
DTR PRESS RELEASE : Update: Bongiovanni v Austin
UPDATE: Bongiovanni v. Austin Late Friday, Defending the Republic filed its supplemental briefing in Bongiovanni v. Austin.... ... pushing back against the efforts by the Biden Department of Defense to deprive a group of military service members the opportunity the...
DTR PRESS RELEASE: Aprl 12, 2022
Defending The Republic will be leading oral argument on behalf of military service members ... This week, on April 14, 2022, Defending the Republic will be leading oral argument in a federal courthouse in Jacksonville, Florida on behalf of military service members...
DTR PRESS RELEASE : April 7, 2022
This week, Defending the Republic responded to the Biden Administration's latest attempt to deny military service members their constitutional and statutory rights to refuse the experimental COVID-19 injections. The case – Bongiovanni v. Austin – involves the...
PRESS RELEASE: Defending the Republic files TRO on behalf of military members
PRESS RELEASE: Defending the Repuplic files TRO on behalf of military members October 7, 2021- On Wednesday, Defending the Republic and our local counsel filed a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order on behalf of active-duty service members fighting...
Press Release: Defending the Republic sues DOD, FDA and others …
Press Release: Defending the Republic Sues DOD, FDA & others on behalf of our military who decline vaccination October 6, 2021- Today, Defending the Republic, with local counsel Carlos Silva of the firm Silva & Silva, filed a lawsuit against the U.S....