Good News Friday July 23

Dear Patriots, Our first item today is not GOOD news. It is GOOD TO KNOW NEWS. 1- This podcast will teach you more history about Cuba and Hong Kong than you have ever been taught. Megyn Kelly gives these two gentlemen ample time to lay out what has happened in these...

In the middle …

Dear Patriots, The middle of the week, in the middle of summer, in the middle of the year.  In the middle of a battle to save our country.  Pray, read, share. 1-  This show down in the Senate was a thing of wonder to watch. Thank you, Senator Rand Paul, for being the...

Never a slow news day

Dear Patriots, There are days when someone says, "Boy, this is a slow news day. Not much is happening." We say, "Balderdash! There is never a slow news day!" What we DO have is: Day after day of the Mainstream/Drive By/Fake News cabal that ignores, stifles, and...

Good News Friday July 16

Dear Patriots, Honestly, it was a bit of a challenge finding the good news for this week's Good News Friday. A line from a very, very, very old song kept playing in our heads. "Bad news on the doorstep, I couldn't take one more step." (American Pie-1971) There is much...

The Long and Short of It

Dear Patriots, Sometimes we can share with you short bits of news because that is all you need to know about a story. Sometimes we need to dig a little deeper. Today, we are sharing two longer articles that go into a lot of detail. We have pulled some of the "money...

Did You Miss These Stories?

Dear Patriots, Yes, this is a long email but there is much we need to know and learn Yesterday, (July 12)  Federal Judge Linda Parker, an Obama appointee, heard six hours of argument on the Michigan sanction motions against Sidney and other attorneys. These sanction...

Our Guardian Angel of Justice

Dear Patriots, Right off the top this week, we - the Proud Members of Team Kraken - want you to see an interview that Sidney did over the weekend with Professor David Clements. As members of Team Kraken, we are very aware of the qualities of the person we have been...

Good News Friday July 9.

Dear Patriots, It has been a short week! it is already Good News Friday! Summer is flying by. We have numerous stories, some big, some small, that show there is wind at our backs as we fight to restore our country. 1- President Trump is leading a class action suit...

Knock Knock. Who’s there? The government!

Dear Patriots, We hope that everyone had a fun yet meaningful Independence Day celebration. Even though the left tries to take away our joy and patriotism, we do not seem to be letting them! We continue to be wary of the experimental, untested, unlicensed and...

Why We Fight to Defend this Republic

Dear Patriots, This weekend's celebration of our Nation's independence reminds us at Defending the Republic why we keep fighting for all of you who "pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America--and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands--one nation,...