Dear Patriots,

Here is some positive news to start your week!

1- Good news that will be buried in the news cycle: We pray more elected Democrats come to the realization of how bad their party behaves and gives it up.


Republicans Net Three New Supermajorities in One Month

QUOTE: Democrat state representatives switching parties and one special election over the last month gave Republicans three new supermajorities in state legislatures, bringing the total to 25 nationwide.

This week, North Carolina state Rep. Tricia Cotham announced her departure from the Democrat party and effectively changed her party affiliation to the Republican Party, ultimately giving the Republicans in the Tar Heel State a veto-proof supermajority in both the House and Senate.

“The party wants to villainize anyone who has free thought, free judgment, has solutions and wants to get to work to better our state,” Cotham said during a press conference announcing her decision to formally leave the Democrat party. “If you don’t do exactly what the Democrats want you to do, they will try to bully you. They will try to cast you aside,” she added.

Additionally, in mid-March, Louisiana state Rep. Francis Thompson announced his plan to switch party affiliations from the Democrat party to the Republican Party. Like Cotham, Thompson switching parties gave the Louisiana Republicans a supermajority in the state House for the first time ever. Now the Republicans in the Bayou State have a veto-proof supermajority in both the House and Senate.

Earlier this week, during a special election in Wisconsin, Republican state Rep. Dan Knodl defeated a Democratic attorney, Jodi Habush Sinykin, to win an open Senate seat. The seat became available after longtime Republican incumbent Alberta Darling retired, and the governor called for a special election.

2- Very rare push back by elected Republicans against leftist ideology.

The Post Millennial

Tennessee House votes out 2 of 3 Democrats who stormed state Capitol in anti-gun protest

QUOTE: On Thursday, the Tennessee House voted to remove Reps. Justin Jones, Gloria Johnson, and Justin Pearson in connection to a March 30 protest that led to protestors storming the state Capitol. The House successfully expelled Jones and Pearson.

The Tennessee House successfully voted 69-26 in favor of expelling Pearson. Earlier in the evening, the House 65-30 in favor of expelling Johnson, though the motion was one vote short of passing. The vote came after the House voted 72-25 in favor of expelling fellow Rep. Justin Jones. 

In the Tennessee House, a two-thirds majority is required to expel a member. The Tennessee House has 99 members, meaning a two-thirds majority would be 66 votes. 

According to Reuters, Republicans said the three Democrat lawmakers were engaged in “disorderly behavior” and said they “did knowingly and intentionally bring disorder and dishonor to the House of Representatives through their individual and collective actions.”

3- Another case of Democrats cheating and breaking laws by “passing” the massive appropriations bill without the votes. Here is an Attorney General fighting back. We pray more will follow.

The Federalist

Texas Throws Wrench In Biden’s Unlawful $1.7T Spending Spree

QUOTE: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton asked a federal court on Tuesday to bar the Biden administration from enforcing the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, claiming Congress failed to constitutionally pass the massive spending bill. While the court is unlikely to freeze the entire $1.7 trillion appropriation, Texas presents a strong case for halting two aspects of the bill.

In February, the Texas attorney general sued the Biden administration, arguing the House of Representatives lacked the constitutionally mandated quorum to pass the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. Paxton is now seeking a preliminary injunction to bar the federal government from enforcing the law.

As Paxton details in his brief supporting Texas’ motion, when the House purported to pass the $1.7 trillion spending bill on Dec. 23, 2022, it lacked a quorum because only 201 representatives were present. Yet the House proceeded with the vote, counting votes of both the 201 present lawmakers and adding to the tally an extra 226 votes those lawmakers cast on behalf of absent members who had appointed them as “proxies.” 

The House clerk recorded the bill passed — with 225 yea votes, 201 nay, and 1 present — relying on a rule originally adopted in May of 2020 that allowed members to “designate[] another Member as a proxy” to cast their votes if “a public health emergency due to a novel coronavirus is in effect[.]” Biden later signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act on Dec. 29, 2022, purporting to make it law and providing appropriations for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2023.

But the House Proxy Rule violates the quorum clause of the Constitution, Paxton argues in his lawsuit against the Biden administration, and thus the Consolidated Appropriations Act never became law.

4- Hopefully, Sweden starts a trend and other countries, including the USA, will follow their lead.

Peter Sweden on Substack

Switzerland STOPS covid vaccinations

QUOTE: The recommendations have been withdrawn and doctors will be held liable for giving the shots.

We have some absolutely MASSIVE news out of Switzerland. They are stopping the recommendation for the covid vaccines.

After years of pushing these products on people, we are now finally beginning to see countries backtrack. But naturally, there is literally NOTHING about this on the mainstream media.

“Corona immunity seroprevalence data (June/July 2022) shows that more than 98% of the Swiss population have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. Due to the immunity situation, the currently predominant virus variants and the expected low virus circulation in spring/summer 2023, it can be assumed that people without risk factors have a very low risk of becoming seriously ill with covid-19 in spring/summer 2023.”

In other words, the Swiss have dropped the vaccination against covid. This might be the first country to do so. But it gets more interesting.

The state is now washing it’s hands from vaccine damage liability – Vaccinations that are not recommended (meaning everyone except on doctors orders) “Such vaccinations are carried out without subsidiary liability by the federal government”.

This means that going forward, doctors giving the vaccines will now be held LIABLE for vaccine damage if they violated the duty of care by giving the shots to people despite the state not recommending it for them.

You know what this means? Many doctors will probably be very hesitant of giving the shots now. Notice what they said. The state only recommends vaccination if “temporarily increased protections…can be expected”.

5- Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner is more outspoken and proactive that anyone in the Republican Party on these issues.


Caitlyn Jenner makes political move against transgender athletes

QUOTE: Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete and failed California gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner has been an adamant opponent of letting transgender athletes compete against people of the same sex.

Tuesday, she announced that he was launching a political action committee called “Fairness First” with a focus on keeping transgender athletes from competing against girls and women.

“Today I publicly launch Fairness First PAC to fight the radical gender ideology, put parental rights at the forefront of education, and keep boys out of women’s sports,” the Olympic gold medalist tweeted.

“We are a movement, non-partisan in nature, with the intention of empowering parental rights especially in light of radical gender ideology infiltrating our children in school — especially in sports and the classroom,” the Fairness First website reads. “We value protecting young children, and the parental rights associated with having your young child go through the indoctrinating instruction in school and unfair advantages of biological boys competing against girls in sports.”

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