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DTR PRESS RELEASE: DTR asks court to force DOD

DTR ask court to force the Department of Defense to produce documents Defending the Republic have asked a federal court to compel the military – including the Department of Defense – to uphold their discovery obligations and produce documents requested on...

DTR PRESS RELEASE: Aprl 12, 2022

Defending The Republic will be leading oral argument on behalf of military service members …  This week, on April 14, 2022, Defending the Republic will be leading oral argument in a federal courthouse in Jacksonville, Florida on behalf of military service...

DTR PRESS RELEASE : April 7, 2022

This week, Defending the Republic responded to the Biden Administration’s latest attempt to deny military service members their constitutional and statutory rights to refuse the experimental COVID-19 injections. The case – Bongiovanni v. Austin – involves the...