Dear Patriots, Did you feel it? It wasn’t an earthquake but it was a strong tremor. Tuesday’s primary elections in five states produced some stunning results. They highlighted numerous lessons that must be repeated. And they lead us down the road to taking...

All the news that fits

Dear Patriots, Frustratingly, taking back our country from the leftist, uni-party and the global elite is a long process fraught with many ups and downs. As distressing and annoying as this is, we are blessed to still have some structure of a system that allows for...

Three things that cannot be hidden for long …

Dear Patriots, It has been said that that there are three things that can not be hidden: the Sun, the Moon, and the TRUTH. Every single day, people worldwide are being shown the buckets of lies that the globalists, the Fake News, and the Democrats have shoveled over...

Good News Friday: 07/29/22

Dear Patriots, We found numerous places this week where we are seeing good news. 1- It is always good to see states fighting back against federal overreach and coercion. Breitbart Biden Administration Sued for Tying K-12 Gender Ideology to Lunch Money QUOTE: The Biden...

Being Buried in Lies

Dear Patriots, Every single day more lies from the left are uncovered and reported. There are still so many lies from the left to dig through. “Oh, what a tangled web they weave …. as the left continues to deceive” 1- We have known the situation with...

Put on the full Armor of God

Dear Patriots, There are many plates spinning in this circus of lies in the effort to defeat us. As we fight in our courts every day, it is apparent that we will only be victorious by the Grace of God. 1- It is going to take God to save us. Pray for His help, guidance...