More Important Than Ever to Stay Vigilant

Dear Patriots, It is more important than ever that you stay politically vigilant. This is not the time to take a vacation from caring and fighting the enemies of freedom. 1- In the recent election in Alaska, Sarah Palin fell victim to yet another Democrat voting scam,...

Good News Friday: 09/02/22

Dear Patriots, Go forth into your Labor Day weekend with this good news. 1- This will not be the last of this kind of lawsuit. Becker News  Explosive Lawsuit is One of First in the United States to Accuse Government of ‘Covid Fraud’ QUOTE: A new lawsuit...

The political elites are NEVER “for the children”

Dear Patriots, As a country, our most important natural resource is not the one we put foremost in our political decision making. Children do not make a voting block, so their needs are ignored by politicians. The leftists of the world have been on a crusade to find...

Good News Friday: 08/26/22

Dear Patriots, We share with you some good news on a Wisconsin election case. On Wednesday, Wisconsin Federal Judge, Pamela Pepper denied sanctions motion of Governor Tony Evers, and ruled that she did not have jurisdiction and alternatively, even if she did, no...

Will Fauci really leave?

Dear Patriots, It has already been a wild week! We admit to doing just the smallest happy dance at the news of detestable Fauci finally retiring. Or at least we hope he is retiring. It all seems a little vague. 1- It was a happy day when the unelected, unaccountable...

How to tame a bureaucracy

Dear Patriots, Here is some news you may have missed over the weekend. We particularly encourage you to read the Jeffrey Tucker piece on The Deep State. 1- There is no taming this beast. There is nothing to salvage. It must be tossed into the trash bin of past...