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You are not the only people praying for the Trump Administration. The first Cabinet meeting began with a prayer by HUD Secretary Scott Turner. It was wonderful to see this expression of thankfulness to God.
By EditorMigration Arrests Rise Sevenfold Under Trump
By EditorGeorgia State Election Board Dismisses True the Vote Litigation
By EditorMocking Woke Speech
By EditorGabbard Axes Over 100 NSA Officers for Involvement in Explicit Chatrooms.
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The Class of 2023 Belongs to No Political Party
by Editor | May 24, 2023

First COVID Vaccine Injury Lawsuit in U.S. Targets U.S. Government, Social Media Giants
by Editor | May 24, 2023
“Why Shouldn’t the Election be called into question?”
by Editor | May 22, 2023
Dear Patriots, A question asked infrequently: "Why shouldn't the election be called into question?" We have all seen what happens when anyone tries to approach the issue. They are laughed it, dismissed, demonized, silenced, de-platformed, de-banked, shunned, fired,...

“Why Shouldn’t the Election Be Called Into Question?” Greg Gutfeld Breaks with Fox News Narrative Over 2020 Election Interference
by Editor | May 22, 2023
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You are not the only people praying for the Trump Administration. The first Cabinet meeting began with a prayer by HUD Secretary Scott Turner. It was wonderful to see this expression of thankfulness to God.
By EditorMigration Arrests Rise Sevenfold Under Trump
By EditorGeorgia State Election Board Dismisses True the Vote Litigation
By EditorMocking Woke Speech
By EditorGabbard Axes Over 100 NSA Officers for Involvement in Explicit Chatrooms.
By Editor