It was a weekend of protests

Dear Patriots, All over the world people, yearning to be free from their tyrannical governments, protested. You will not read/hear about these massive protests in Fake News, including the ones that happened in our own country, like The Defeat the Mandate rally in...

Good News Friday: January 21

Dear Patriots, What a crazy week we have just lived through. We are happy that, by the skin of our teeth, we have survived the Democrats attempt to by-pass the Constitution’s guidelines on elections. Constitutionally, elections are under the control of each...

Listen To Sidney

Dear Patriots, We wanted to give you an opportunity to listen in as Sidney argues on behalf of Cowboys for Trump, in The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in Colorado. This is happening Friday, January 21 at 9 AM Mountain Time, 11:00 AM Eastern and...

Sidney Powell Statement on January 6 Committee Subpoena

Ms. Powell has received the January 6 Committee’s subpoena, and she looks forward to providing the Committee with significant evidence in support of the election fraud statements and claims she presented on behalf of the electors and clients she represented....

To think about…

Dear Patriots, Many are hibernating as cold January weather swipes through the country, so we offer you a few longer pieces for contemplation. ### 1- It is refreshing and hopeful to read about the actions of the newly sworn-in Governor of Virginia. We will be watching...