Dear Patriots,

We are surrounded by lies all day every day. We hope in this newsletter we can at least point them out, especially when we have the proof they are lies.

Please share this information. It is stunning to learn how many people are living in a world of lies and they don’t know it.

1- More proof of what we all have known for several years: the Biden Regime exerted massive pressure and coercion on Social Media companies to tell lies to Americans about the jab.

The Epoch Times 

New Documents Expose White House’s Alleged Social Media ‘Censorship Scheme’ Targeting Tucker Carlson, Others

QUOTE: Two Republican attorneys general have released documents showing what they say is the White House’s pressure campaign on Facebook to censor content, including a video by conservative media personality Tucker Carlson on the COVID-19 vaccines.

The new documents, released on Jan. 9 and 10 by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, are part of a court-ordered discovery process in a lawsuit filed in May 2022 by the two states against the Biden administration for allegedly colluding with social media giants to suppress Americans’ free speech.

“This case is about the Biden Administration’s blatant disregard for the First Amendment and its collusion with Big Tech social media companies to suppress speech it disagrees with,” Bailey said in a statement.

The documents Bailey released show the efforts of White House Digital Director Robert Flaherty and his team to suppress opposing viewpoints on major social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter.

In one email from Flaherty to an unidentified Facebook employee shared by Bailey, the White House digital director demands that Facebook dial up its efforts to remove “bad information” on COVID-19 vaccines.

Flaherty complains in the email that “removing bad information from search” is an easy “low-bar” step Facebook could take “to make people like me think you’re taking action,” per the screenshot shared by Bailey.

2- The Greatest Medical Lie of all time: The Covid jab is good for you.

Peter Imanuelsen On Substack 

BOMBSHELL – Pandemic of the vaccinated

QUOTE: Do you remember when world leaders were fear mongering about a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and that last year there would be a horrible winter for them?

Well, it now looks like the OPPOSITE is happening. The vaccinated are the ones that are getting infected and dying with covid. And not only that, we are seeing crazy high levels of excess mortality that appears to be unrelated to covid.

There is some new data just in from Australia that really is a bombshell, proving that the vaccines are at best absolutely useless. In fact, they seem to be negative.

Get this, 100% of those hospitalized for covid in NSW Australia, were vaccinated. That’s right. The unvaccinated made up 0% of people hospitalized for covid. Not a single unvaccinated person was hospitalized.

Remember when they said that the mRNA shots would protect people from being hospitalized? Well, just like with everything else they said, it turns out that was a lie.

Even worse, it seems to be that the more boosters people have had, the more they are in hospital.

It seems like this data is so bad for the mRNA shots that the Australian government has decided they will STOP reporting on the vaccination status of those hospitalized for covid.

3- Another strange situation surrounding January 6 is Ray Epps. If you have not kept up with this, Raheem Kassam lays it all out after reading Epp’s interview with the J-6 committee.

Raheem Kassam    

Ray Epps’s Jan 6th Interview Gets Even Weirder Than His ‘I Orchestrated It’ Text.

QUOTE: I went through all 96 pages of it for you. You’re welcome.

Ray Epps’s January 6th interview is bizarro-world.

The entire thing reads like an exculpatory public relations effort, replete with assistance from committee members more concerned with helping Epps clear his name than getting to the bottom of his actions that day. But Epps’s interview is even stranger than these “CYA” attempts.

Reps Schiff, Murphy, Aguilar, and Kinzinger were present during the interview finally conducted on January 21st 2022, after months of work by Darren Beattie’s, among others, which brought Epps’s activities on January 5th and 6th to light.

Here are the top 12 strange, stand-out moments: Go to link above.

4- We are anticipating an FBI raid on all of Biden’s properties any day now. Right?

There’s a difference between Trump’s possession and Biden’s possession of top secret classified documents.  Trump was President, he had the power to declassify documents. As Veep, Biden had no such power.

Oh…and this story was secreted until after the Mid-Terms.


Intel memos on Iran, Ukraine among docs found at Biden office: report

QUOTE:  President Biden kept classified documents about Ukraine and Iran at his former think tank office, a new report revealed Tuesday as the president again refused to answer reporter questions about the matter.

Journalists shouted queries about the secret papers at the start of a meeting between Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the North American Leaders’ Summit in Mexico City.

Biden clearly heard the questions but chose not to discuss the discovery of the documents at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, which opened in 2018.

Moments later, CNN reported that 10 documents with classified markings and dated between 2013 and 2016 were found mixed in with Biden family papers — including information about the funeral arrangements for the president’s late son, Beau, who died in 2015. Some of the documents were reportedly labeled “top secret,” the highest level of government classification.

The three-year time frame covers major events that took place during the Obama administration — including the Iran nuclear deal of 2015, the Maidan Revolution that overthrew then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russia’s subsequent invasion and annexation of Crimea in February of 2014.

5- There was never any Russian collusion, Hillary.

Just The News 

In a blow to left-wing conspiracy theories, study finds ‘no evidence’ Russian social media swayed voters in 2016

QUOTE: A study out of New York University this month declares that reported Russian social media efforts to shift the 2016 election had little meaningful effect on the behaviors of U.S. voters, dealing yet another blow to conspiracy theorists who have alleged for years significant Russian influence over that race.

The study, carried out by NYU researchers with help from scientists from Ireland and Denmark, used “longitudinal survey data from US respondents linked to their Twitter feeds” in order to “quantify the relationship between exposure to the Russian foreign influence campaign and attitudes and voting behavior in the 2016 US election.”

The researchers found “no evidence of a meaningful relationship between exposure to the Russian foreign influence campaign and changes in attitudes, polarization, or voting behavior.”

The study comes as yet another refutation of what many partisans and commentators have alleged was an unfair election with interference from, and “collusion” with, Russia unfairly tilting the race in favor of Donald Trump.

In early 2019 a years-long investigation and special counsel determined that the Trump campaign had not colluded with Russia in spite of several years’ worth of pervasive conspiracy theories alleging that the campaign had done so.

6- Almost the first thing Biden did after his inauguration was to cancel the Keystone Pipeline. He did it to appease environmentalist and to continue Obama’s war on fossil fuels. What they did was destroy a robust economy and ruined the lives of millions of hard working people. The lies of global warming have consequences.

CNS News 

Biden Admin. Report Admits Canceling Keystone Pipeline Cost U.S. Up to 59,468 Jobs, $9.61 Billion in GDP

QUOTE: “The Biden administration finally owned up to what we have known all along,” Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) said Thursday, commenting on a new Energy Department report quantifying how President Joe Biden’s cancelation of the Keystone XL pipeline has hurt Americans and the U.S. economy.

Titled “Keystone XL Extension Permit Revocation: Energy Costs and Job Impacts,” the report fulfills a requirement successfully included in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act by Sen. Daines and Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho).

“This report responds to section 40434(b) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Pub. L. No. 117-58), that requires the Secretary of Energy to estimate the job losses and consumer impacts associated with the revocation of the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline,” the report notes.

Studies cited by the Energy Department report reveal that Pres. Biden’s cancelation of the construction of the Keystone pipeline had the following negative impact:

• Up to 59,468 jobs lost per year,

• Up to $9.6 billion of lost GDP (2011 dollars),

• Up to $20.93 billion of lost business sales (2011 dollars),

• Up to $6.5 billion of lost personal income (current dollars), and

• Up to 54,651 personal income lost annually per job


Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic