Dear Patriots,

2023 is starting out in all the crazy ways to which we have become accustom.

The Republicans trying to elect a Speaker is a wild, messy, loud event that perfectly illustrates that we still live in a Constitutional Republic, not a dictatorship where everyone marches in lock-step.

There is a sliver of hopefulness within the chaos.

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1- It is nice to read about a record of massive success and common sense. The transcript of Governor DeSantis’ inauguration speech is at the link.

Legal Insurrection 

‘Florida is Where Woke Goes to Die’: DeSantis Boasts Accomplishments in Inauguration Speech

QUOTE: “We will not allow reality, facts, and truth to become optional. We will never surrender to the woke mob.”- Gov. DeSantis

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis filled his second inauguration speech with all his administration’s accomplishments during his first term.

Florida is ranked first in tourism, education, and new business formation. It’s also the fastest-growing state.

DeSantis kept Florida open during the pandemic. He never caved to the woke mob.

2- When a court rules according to the Constitution, it is always a good thing.


US Appeals Court: MAGA Hat Expression of Free Speech

QUOTE: Wearing a MAGA hat represents a person exercising his or her right to free speech, a U.S. appeals court has ruled.

A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a federal judge and ruled in favor of a Washington middle school teacher who claimed that a principal violated his free-speech rights by threatening discipline if he continued to wear a “Make America Great Again” hat to training sessions.

“That some may not like the political message being conveyed is par for the course and cannot itself be a basis for finding disruption of a kind that outweighs the speaker’s First Amendment rights,” wrote, Circuit Judge Danielle Forrest, a Trump appointee.

The court on Thursday said there was no evidence that the teacher, Eric Dodge, had caused any actual disruption by bringing the hat to teacher-only trainings at his school in Vancouver, Washington.

Dodge had said the principal, Caroline Garrett, called him a racist and homophobe, and told him he would need a union representative if he wore the hat to school again.

3- This is an issue that has roiled states and communities for a decade. It should be a matter of common sense, but, it is a matter of political theatre. It is good to see a court rule on law and not emotion.


Appeals court upholds Florida high school’s transgender bathroom ban

QUOTE: The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the St. Johns County School Board did not discriminate against transgender students based on sex, or violate federal civil rights law.

A federal appeals court has ruled that a Florida school district’s policy of separating school bathrooms based on biological sex is constitutional.

The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals announced its 7-4 decision on Friday, ruling that the St. Johns County School Board did not discriminate against transgender students based on sex, or violate federal civil rights law by requiring transgender students to use gender-neutral bathrooms or bathrooms matching their biological sex.

Judge Barbara Lagoa wrote in the majority opinion that that the school board policy advances the important governmental objective of protecting students’ privacy in school bathrooms. She said the district’s policy does not violate the law because it’s based on biological sex, not gender identity.

4- In American, eventually much of the truth is revealed. We eagerly await this story.

Nick Arama at Red State 

Journalist Paul Sperry Teases Major Russia Collusion Story

QUOTE: I wrote previously about how Rep. Adam Schiff’s office went after journalist Paul Sperry to try to get him suspended from Twitter, using the excuse that he was spreading “QAnon conspiracies.”

Sperry denied that he was spreading any such conspiracies. And that still wouldn’t justify the actions of Schiff’s office — you still have a big constitutional problem with a member of Congress trying to suppress speech.

The journalist believes it was because of the story he broke about impeachment “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella’s connection to Adam Schiff’s staffer, Sean Misko. Sperry said that Schiff’s chief of staff Patrick Boland had even been making threats to his employer, RealClear Investigations, about Sperry’s stories on that connection. “How is a Congressional leader demanding the banning of a veteran journalist from the nation’s digital town square not state censorship?” Sperry asked.

But when the powers that be like Schiff try to suppress stories, maybe they shouldn’t tick off people like Sperry who appear to have sources. Because that is only going to make them more determined. Sperry isn’t being quiet and he’s teasing a new story that’s coming, although this one isn’t his.

“I’m told a major investigative story by a doyen of Washington press corps is set to drop next week exposing MSM collusion in Russiagate hoax,” Sperry reported. “Insider account will name names–prominent D.C. reporters. Revelations include secret NYT meetings w/ McCabe, hotline w Strzok.”

Of course, we already knew that the MSM was spinning whatever they could against Donald Trump. But this is new and concerning — secret NY Times meetings with FBI official Andrew McCabe and hotline with FBI official Peter Strzok? If that’s true and the reporter has the receipts — talk about bias and rot, we already saw a lot of the problems, but this just makes it so much worse. How is the liberal media going to argue that away?

Pray. Read. Know. Share. 

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic