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Dear Patriots,

The world gets scarier and more insane by the hour.
Pray for the world but especially for America.

1- Just a few days after Memorial Day, we share a victory over insanity.

William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection

Barrington (RI) Memorial Day Parade Restored To Veterans Group Ousted After Objecting to BLM Flag Flying Over Veterans Memorial

QUOTE: Ret. Lt. Col. Paul Dulchinos: “It was nice to see the Barrington Memorial Day Parade once again planned and executed by fellow Veterans to honor their fallen brothers. I think one could feel the difference in the tenor of this year’s event compared to last year. We focused more on keeping the observance as dignified and as solemn as possible.”

If there is any holiday that should not be politicized, it’s Memorial Day, the day we as a nation remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Unfortunately, in Barrington, Rhode Island, where Legal Insurrection is based, the former Town Council despicably pulled the Memorial Day Parade organizing duties from a veterans group that ran the parade for 68 years, after the group objected to the Town Council flying the BLM flag over the veterans memorial. It was a tale of the mania and intolerance that swept the nation in the summer of 2020 as BLM riots and protests rocked the nation.

It was a shameful moment in town history, compounded by an inappropriate parade run in the absence of the veterans group last year. It had a festive, carnival-like atmosphere.

But then in the elections of 2022, there was a turnover in the Town Council, and the primary instigator and his sidekick didn’t run for reelection. The result was still a majority Democrat council but more moderate, and the veterans council was restored to its parade duties. Sanity and fairness were restored.

2- Proof of what so many knew at the time, Fauci and the government conspired to lie to the world about Covid-CCP.

The Epoch Times

Leaked Pentagon Report Forensically Dismantled Fauci-Led Natural Origin Study

QUOTE: Researchers at the Department of Defense wrote a devastating takedown in 2020 of the Proximal Origin study that was used by Dr. Anthony Fauci as proof that the COVID-19 virus had come from nature.

The takedown, dated May 26, 2020, was written in the form of a working paper called “Critical analysis of Andersen et al. The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2.” It was authored by Cmdr. Jean-Paul Chretien, a Navy doctor working at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and Robert Cutlip, a research scientist at the Defense Intelligence Agency.

The paper came to light on May 15, when it was leaked to the public via virus origins search group DRASTIC (Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19).

The working paper forensically dismantles the natural origin case made in Proximal Origin and concludes, “The arguments that Andersen et al. use to support a natural-origin scenario for SARS-CoV-2 are based not on scientific analysis, but on unwarranted assumptions.”

The existence of this internal Pentagon paper is crucial, as it proves that government officials were well aware in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic that there was no evidence to support a natural origin of the COVID-19 virus. Given the crushing discrediting of Proximal Origin, Pentagon officials would also have been aware of Fauci’s efforts to seed a false narrative about the origin of COVID-19.

Proximal Origin was initially conceived by Fauci during a secret teleconference held on Feb. 1, 2020. The ostensible purpose of the teleconference was to deflect attention from a possible lab origin of COVID-19 and to shift the focus to a natural origin theory. Fauci directed a number of scientists, led by Kristian Andersen of Scripps Research and Robert Garry of Tulane Medical School, to pen a study that could be used to discredit the lab leak theory.

Despite being directly involved in the inception of the paper, as well as in shaping its arguments, Fauci’s role was concealed from the public. He later bestowed Andersen and Garry with lavish taxpayer-funded grants.

3- This abuse of the law is breathtaking. There does not seem a way to stop this abuse of power.

Julie Kelly at American Greatness

Regime Apparatchiks and Sadists Inflict Their Punishments

QUOTE: Matthew Graves wasted no time doing the political dirty work of the man who appointed him to serve as the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia: Joe Biden.

The Biden regime, Attorney General Merrick Garland in particular, faced heat in late 2021 for failing to bring harsher charges against Americans who protested Biden’s election on January 6. Garland was on the defensive for seeking mostly misdemeanor charges, giving the Right ammunition to mock the media’s description of the four-hour disturbance as an “insurrection.”

Enter Matthew Graves, the man responsible for prosecuting every January 6 case.

Shortly after taking the reins of the powerful office, Graves charged 11 members or affiliates of the Oath Keepers, including founder Stewart Rhodes, with seditious conspiracy, the most serious charge brought by the Justice Department in the unprecedented criminal investigation.

Graves’ indictment not only broke new legal ground to criminalize political speech but lent credence to Biden’s claims made during his speech on the afternoon of January 6 that what was happening at the Capitol “border[ed] on sedition.”

Considering a federal judge tossed the exceedingly rare charge out of court in 2010, the last time the government attempted to prosecute Americans for seditious conspiracy, one might assume the Justice Department would have an uphill battle to make the indictments stick. In fact, prosecutors recently admitted that only a “handful” of individuals, all tied to Islamic terror cells including al-Qaeda and the Taliban, have been convicted of seditious conspiracy in the past several decades

Graves, for his part, is just getting started. He secured seditious conspiracy guilty verdicts against four members of the Proud Boys last month, creating major legal danger for Trump. “More people were convicted of seditious conspiracy in connection with the siege of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, than any other criminal event since the statute was enacted during the Civil War,” Graves bragged in a post-sentencing press release.

Armed with history-making criminal convictions and prison sentences, Graves is quickly ascending the ladder that leads to the attorney general’s office. Rich rewards, either at the Justice Department or private law firm, await.

Neither man, nor anyone connected with this inhumane prosecution, has shown an ounce of compassion for the defendants or their families. To the contrary, the government goose steppers responsible for systematically destroying the lives of Americans who dared to protest Joe Biden’s election appear sickeningly gratified by the exercise—as all good Marxists are. One more step toward America’s banana republic.

4- The WHO has very scary tactics for squashing all and any avenue of disagreement with the world government, particularly on health issues. It was bad with Covid-CCP but they are doubling down. Support Republicans in this investigation and urge action over words.

Becker News

Congress Launches Investigation into WHO’s Surveillance Program to Police Americans’ Speech for ‘Misinformation’

QUOTE: The World Health Organization (WHO) is facing scrutiny as Congress launches an investigation into its pandemic prevention initiative, the Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET).

The investigation comes after details emerged of the WHO’s plan to use “social listening surveillance systems” to monitor public speech for “misinformation.” Critics argue that unelected bodies should not have the power to suppress speech and potentially infringe on national sovereignty.

The PRET document describes “misinformation” as a “health threat.” It claims that disagreement with the WHO’s policies and recommendations are part of an “infodemic.”

“Infodemic is the overabundance of information – accurate or not – which makes it difficult for individuals to adopt behaviors that will protect their health and the health of their families and communities,” the document states. “The infodemic can directly impact health, hamper the implementation of public health countermeasures, and undermine trust and social cohesiveness.”

The WHO’s PRET document recommends that governments, “Establish and invest in resources for social listening surveillance systems and capacities to identify concerns as well as rumors and misinformation. To build trust, it’s important to be responsive to needs and concerns, to relay timely information, and to train leaders and HCWs in risk communications principles and encourage their application,” the WHO added. “Communication should be tailored to the community of interest, focusing on and prioritizing vulnerable groups. New tools and approaches for social listening have been developed using new technologies such as artificial intelligence to listen to population concerns on social media (such as the Platform EARS developed by WHO).”

According to UN agency documents, PRET aims to provide guidance to countries in pandemic planning by incorporating tools and approaches developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative defines “misinformation” as a “health threat” and part of a larger “infodemic” that hampers the adoption of behaviors to protect public health.

The release of these documents has prompted calls from Republicans for an investigation into the WHO. Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) is leading a Congressional hearing on the WHO’s pandemic accord.

Know. Share. Pray.

Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic

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