June 3, 2021 – Dallas Rally / COVID Vaccine Update

Dear Patriots, So much has happened in the last few days! We want to keep you up to date but we are also sensitive to sending you too many emails. We will pack this one with information! Over the weekend, in Dallas, TX, there was a great event called For God &...

Memorial Day Message

Dear Patriots:Our freedom, in this marvelous country, is not free. It is not easy. It is not without risks. Sometimes we are called to pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. On this Memorial Day, we remember the massive sacrifices, over our nearly 245...

Are all audits created equal?

Dear Patriots, Let's talk audits. That is the word of the year now that more and more states are proceeding with forensic audits of the ballots and machines from the 2020 election. You will hear the people who do not want the new audits complain that there have...

You can push back on mandatory Covid-CCP vaccines.

Dear Patriots, Are you being bullied, harassed or mandated by an employer or a university to get a vaccine for Covid-CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus? We will be presenting tips on how to deal with this situation. While we understand this is a controversial issue,...

The Armor of God

Dear Patriots, There is very much happening on several fronts and there could be significant stories we will be sending to you this week. We wanted to start out this last week in May with this video of an interview that Sidney did with Rev. Kevin Jessip. The show is...

Defending the right to challenge your government

Dear Patriots, Every day, Sidney and Team Kraken are fighting election fraud on many fronts. One part of this battle is to support and defend fellow patriots who were punished for doing the right thing by corrupt elected officials and bureaucrats. That is the case...

A Story You Will Not Hear About in the Fake News

Dear Patriots, On Tuesday, May 12, an important event happened that was not covered in the FAKE NEWS. It was inspiring. We wanted you to know about it and urge you to share it. The event was a powerful press conference in Atlanta hosted by the Black Americans for a...


Dear Patriots, On Friday, May 7, the Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post are set to publish hit pieces on Sidney and efforts related to the audits and election fraud. Sidney and her attorney were contacted by reporters and gave them quotes and information....

See Sidney in person in Dallas!

Over Memorial Day Weekend, Patriots from all over the country will be gathering in Dallas Texas, at the Omni Dallas Downtown Hotel, to hear from an incredible group of speakers. The Patriots Voice, is putting together a joyous combination of entertainment, information...

Our American Hero

Dear Patriots, Over the weekend, we celebrated the birthday of our leader and hero, Sidney Powell. There is much that we could say about Sidney, but when we saw this video made by a friend, we knew our words were superfluous. The only words you need to hear in order...