Good News Friday – Oct 15

Dear Patriots, We could go on and on, and on, about all of things that are going sideways in the world. And we do inform you of those matters each week. But, on Friday, we are determined to find the GOOD NEWS and celebrate with you our collective small and big...

How to buy an election

Dear Patriots, As time passes, we are seeing more confirmation of the massive and multiple ways of cheating in the November 2020 election. For months now, anyone who raised this issue has had the left heap derision and scorn upon them.  However, we are seeing that the...

We are not being boiled. We are boiling over.

Dear Patriots, For more months than we care to calculate, we have been constantly assaulted with one leftist crisis/event after another. From the BLM riots right up to the unconstitutional Biden vaccine mandates, we have been deluged with shocking incremental attempts...

Good News Friday – October 8

Dear Patriots, We have had a busy week. If you missed the press release Defending the Republic filed Wednesday you can read about it here. We are proud to be helping members of the military as they navigate the vaccine mandate. This week, Sidney was interviewed by...

There are more brave Americans than we know

Dear Patriots, We know that you are as frustrated as we are by all the conflicting messages. On one hand you have a government/media demanding that you get an untested and ineffective vaccination. On the other, you see more and more other evidence that the left's push...

The FBI is out of control

Dear Patriots, Here are two items with the evidence that the FBI has become something other than it's original purpose ... operating by their own rules, not the laws of the country, with no oversight from anyone. We are very concerned about this complete breakdown of...

We wonder when we might get to herd … intelligence

Dear Patriots, This newsletter is devoted to the subject of vaccines. Soon we will not be allowed to share with you information that diverges from the leftist government play book on the subject of vaccines. Our Overloads at Google have decided that they have the...