The fraudster medical doctor that discredited Hydroxychloroquine with fake data is suspended in Ohio.

Javier Milei: ‘We’re in a position to beat the caste in the first round’

North Carolina Legislature Overrides Governor On Fairness In Women’s Sports

Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle
Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle pic.twitter.com/RMr5VZVqSM— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 14, 2023
Two Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’

Is This Why Joe Biden Will Drop Out of the Race?

National Review crashes and burns over “Rich Men North of Richmond”

The A-Bomb of Our Time