Evidence of fraud in
Now Is The Time To Act
We encourage people to contact their state legislators to demand they get involved per Article II and ensure election integrity and that the People are not disenfranchised by fraud.
If you are a resident of Arizona, click below to locate your legislator using your address.
Significant additional funds are needed right now to continue the process of the Arizona audit. Every dollar you donate through this link will go directly to that vital cause. The Left has done everything possible to shut it down. We know they are hiding their fraud, and we must expose it. Please give whatever you can.

Ninth Circuit reinstates Election Day deadline to correct unsigned ballots in Arizona

Arizona Audit Final Report Was Watered Down: Reports from Cyber Ninjas Were Edited, Most Damning Statements Removed – What Else Was Removed?

Arizona Senate Hears of Multiple Inconsistencies Found by Election Audit

BREAKING BIG — Jovan Pulitzer: Arizona Audit Report Will be Delivered to Senate on Friday, Results Will Be Earth-Shattering
Legislator | District | Party | Email @azleg.gov | Room | Phone | House/Senate |
Richard C. Andrade | 29 | D | RANDRADE@azleg.gov | Room 337 | (602) 926-3130 | House Representative |
Brenda Barton | 6 | R | BBARTON@azleg.gov | Room 309 | (602) 926-3421 | House Representative |
Leo Biasiucci -- Majority Whip | 5 | R | Email: LBIASIUCCI@azleg.gov | Room 341 | (602) 926-3018 | House Representative |
Walter "Walt" Blackman | 6 | R | Email: WBLACKMAN@azleg.gov | Room 345 | (602) 926-3043 | House Representative |
Jasmine Blackwater-Nygren | 7 | D | Email: JBLACKWATER-NYGREN@azleg.gov | Room 126 | (602) 926-3069 | House Representative |
Reginald Bolding, Jr. -- Minority Leader | 27 | D | Email: RBOLDING@azleg.gov | Room 322 | (602) 926-3132 | House Representative |
Shawnna Bolick | 20 | R | Email: SBOLICK@azleg.gov | Room 302 | (602) 926-3244 | House Representative |
Russell "Rusty" Bowers -- Speaker | 25 | R | Email: RBOWERS@azleg.gov | Room 223 | (602) 926-3128 | House Representative |
Judy M. Burges | 1 | R | Email: JBURGES@azleg.gov | Room 130 | (602) 926-3256 | House Representative |
Kelli Butler | 28 | D | Email: KBUTLER@azleg.gov | Room 119 | (602) 926-5156 | House Representative |
Andrés Cano | 3 | D | Email: ACANO@azleg.gov | Room 332 | (602) 926-3027 | House Representative |
Frank P Carroll | 22 | R | Email: FCARROLL@azleg.gov | Room 111 | (602) 926-3249 | House Representative |
Joseph Chaplik | 23 | R | Email: JCHAPLIK@azleg.gov | Room 310 | (602) 926-3436 | House Representative |
César Chávez | 29 | D | Email: CCHAVEZ@azleg.gov | Room 333 | (602) 926-4862 | House Representative |
Regina E. Cobb | 5 | R | Email: RCOBB@azleg.gov | Room 222 | (602) 926-3126 | House Representative |
David L. Cook | 8 | R | Email: DCOOK@azleg.gov | Room 309 | (602) 926-5162 | House Representative |
Andrea Dalessandro | 2 | D | Email: ADALESSANDRO@azleg.gov | Room 325 | (602) 926-5342 | House Representative |
Domingo DeGrazia -- Minority Whip | 10 | D | Email: DDEGRAZIA@azleg.gov | Room 322 | (602) 926-3153 | House Representative |
Tim Dunn | 13 | R | Email: TDUNN@azleg.gov | Room 114 | (602) 926-4139 | House Representative |
Mitzi Epstein | 18 | D | Email: MEPSTEIN@azleg.gov | Room 125 | (602) 926-4870 | House Representative |
Diego Espinoza | 19 | D | Email: DESPINOZA@azleg.gov | Room 338 | (602) 926-3134 | House Representative |
Charlene R. Fernandez | 4 | D | Email: CFERNANDEZ@azleg.gov | Room 320 | (602) 926-3098 | House Representative |
John M. Fillmore | 16 | R | Email: JFILLMORE@azleg.gov | Room 303 | (602) 926-3187 | House Representative |
Mark W. Finchem | 11 | R | Email: MFINCHEM@azleg.gov | Room 313 | (602) 926-3122 | House Representative |
Randall Friese | 9 | D | Email: RFRIESE@azleg.gov | Room 115 | (602) 926-3138 | House Representative |
Travis Grantham -- Speaker Pro Tempore | 12 | R | Email: TGRANTHAM@azleg.gov | Room 204 | (602) 926-4868 | House Representative |
Gail Griffin | 14 | R | Email: GGRIFFIN@azleg.gov | Room 225 | (602) 926-5895 | House Representative |
Alma Hernandez | 3 | D | Email: AHERNANDEZ@azleg.gov | Room 122 | (602) 926-3136 | House Representative |
Melody Hernandez | 26 | D | Email: MHERNANDEZ@azleg.gov | Room 318 | (602) 926-3449 | House Representative |
Daniel Hernandez, Jr. | 2 | D | Email: DHERNANDEZ@azleg.gov | Room 324 | (602) 926-4840 | House Representative |
Jake Hoffman | 12 | R | Email: JAKE.HOFFMAN@azleg.gov | Room 341 | (602) 926-3292 | House Representative |
Jennifer Jermaine | 18 | D | Email: JJERMAINE@azleg.gov | Room 124 | (602) 926-3199 | House Representative |
Joel John | 4 | R | Email: JJOHN@azleg.gov | Room 306 | (602) 926-3276 | House Representative |
Steve Kaiser | 15 | R | Email: SKAISER@azleg.gov | Room 345 | (602) 926-3314 | House Representative |
John Kavanagh | 23 | R | Email: JKAVANAGH@azleg.gov | Room 226 | (602) 926-5170 | House Representative |
Jennifer L. Longdon -- Assistant Minority Leader | 24 | D | Email: JLONGDON@azleg.gov | Room 321 | (602) 926-3264 | House Representative |
Robert Meza | 30 | D | Email: RMEZA@azleg.gov | Room 339 | (602) 926-3425 | House Representative |
Quang H. Nguyen | 1 | R | Email: QNGUYEN@azleg.gov | Room 304 | (602) 926-3258 | House Representative |
Becky A. Nutt | 14 | R | Email: BNUTT@azleg.gov | Room 205 | (602) 926-4852 | House Representative |
Joanne Osborne | 13 | R | Email: JOSBORNE@azleg.gov | Room 112 | (602) 926-3181 | House Representative |
Jacqueline Parker | 16 | R | Email: JPARKER@azleg.gov | Room 342 | (602) 926-3375 | House Representative |
Jennifer Pawlik | 17 | D | Email: JPAWLIK@azleg.gov | Room 118 | (602) 926-3193 | House Representative |
Kevin Payne | 21 | R | Email: KPAYNE@azleg.gov | Room 110 | (602) 926-4854 | House Representative |
Beverly Pingerelli | 21 | R | Email: BPINGERELLI@azleg.gov | Room 131 | (602) 926-3396 | House Representative |
Pamela Powers Hannley | 9 | D | Email: PPOWERSHANNLEY@azleg.gov | Room 335 | (602) 926-4848 | House Representative |
Diego Rodriguez | 27 | D | Email: DRODRIGUEZ@azleg.gov | Room 326 | (602) 926-3285 | House Representative |
Athena Salman | 26 | D | Email: ASALMAN@azleg.gov | Room 330 | (602) 926-4858 | House Representative |
Judy Schwiebert | 20 | D | Email: JSCHWIEBERT@azleg.gov | Room 117 | (602) 926-3390 | House Representative |
Amish Shah | 24 | D | Email: ASHAH@azleg.gov | Room 123 | (602) 926-3280 | House Representative |
Lorenzo Sierra | 19 | D | Email: LSIERRA@azleg.gov | Room 121 | (602) 926-3211 | House Representative |
Stephanie Stahl Hamilton | 10 | D | Email: SSTAHLHAMILTON@azleg.gov | Room 116 | (602) 926-3279 | House Representative |
Ben Toma -- Majority Leader | 22 | R | Email: BTOMA@azleg.gov | Room 306 | (602) 926-3298 | House Representative |
Myron Tsosie | 7 | D | Email: MTSOSIE@azleg.gov | Room 326 | (602) 926-3157 | House Representative |
Michelle Udall | 25 | R | Email: MUDALL@azleg.gov | Room 129 | (602) 926-4856 | House Representative |
Jeff Weninger | 17 | R | Email: JWENINGER@azleg.gov | Room 224 | (602) 926-3092 | House Representative |
Justin Wilmeth | 15 | R | Email: JWILMETH@azleg.gov | Room 344 | (602) 926-5044 | House Representative |
Lela Alston | 24 | D | Email: LALSTON@azleg.gov | Room 311 | (602) 926-5829 | Senator |
Nancy Barto | 15 | R | Email: NBARTO@azleg.gov | Room 302 | (602) 926-5766 | Senator |
Sonny Borrelli -- Majority Whip | 5 | R | Email: SBORRELLI@azleg.gov | Room 212 | (602) 926-5051 | Senator |
Sean Bowie | 18 | D | Email: SBOWIE@azleg.gov | Room 308 | (602) 926-3004 | Senator |
Paul Boyer | 20 | R | Email: PBOYER@azleg.gov | Room 307 | (602) 926-4173 | Senator |
Lupe Contreras -- Assistant Minority Leader | 19 | D | Email: LCONTRERAS@azleg.gov | Room 305 | (602) 926-5284 | Senator |
Karen Fann -- President | 1 | R | Email: KFANN@azleg.gov | Room 205 | (602) 926-5874 | Senator |
Rosanna Gabaldon | 2 | D | Email: RGABALDON@azleg.gov | Room 303B | (602) 926-3424 | Senator |
Sally Ann Gonzales | 3 | D | Email: SGONZALES@azleg.gov | Room 314 | (602) 926-3278 | Senator |
David Gowan | 14 | R | Email: DGOWAN@azleg.gov | Room 200 | (602) 926-5154 | Senator |
Rick Gray -- Majority Leader | 21 | R | Email: RGRAY@azleg.gov | Room 212 | (602) 926-5413 | Senator |
Sine Kerr | 13 | R | Email: SKERR@azleg.gov | Room 302 | (602) 926-5955 | Senator |
Vince Leach -- President Pro Tempore | 11 | R | Email: VLEACH@azleg.gov | Room 303 | (602) 926-3106 | Senator |
David Livingston | 22 | R | Email: DLIVINGSTON@azleg.gov | Room 300 | (602) 926-4178 | Senator |
Christine Marsh | 28 | D | Email: CMARSH@azleg.gov | Room 311 | (602) 926-3184 | Senator |
Juan Mendez | 26 | D | Email: JMENDEZ@azleg.gov | Room 313 | (602) 926-4124 | Senator |
J.D. Mesnard | 17 | R | Email: JMESNARD@azleg.gov | Room 309 | (602) 926-4481 | Senator |
Lisa Otondo | 4 | D | Email: LOTONDO@azleg.gov | Room 315 | (602) 926-3002 | Senator |
Tyler Pace | 25 | R | Email: TPACE@azleg.gov | Room 303 | (602) 926-5760 | Senator |
Jamescita Peshlakai | 7 | D | Email: JPESHLAKAI@azleg.gov | Room 314 | (602) 926-5160 | Senator |
Warren Petersen | 12 | R | Email: WPETERSEN@azleg.gov | Room 304 | (602) 926-4136 | Senator |
Martin Quezada -- Minority Whip | 29 | D | Email: MQUEZADA@azleg.gov | Room 312 | (602) 926-5911 | Senator |
Rebecca Rios -- Minority Leader | 27 | D | Email: RRIOS@azleg.gov | Room 213 | (602) 926-3073 | Senator |
Wendy Rogers | 6 | R | Email: WROGERS@azleg.gov | Room 304 | (602) 926-3042 | Senator |
Thomas Shope | 8 | R | Email: TSHOPE@azleg.gov | Room 310 | (602) 926-3012 | Senator |
Victoria Steele -- Minority Whip | 9 | D | Email: VSTEELE@azleg.gov | Room 213 | (602) 926-5683 | Senator |
Kelly Townsend | 16 | R | Email: KTOWNSEND@azleg.gov | Room 301 | (602) 926-4467 | Senator |
Michelle Ugenti-Rita | 23 | R | Email: MUGENTI-RITA@azleg.gov | Room 306 | (602) 926-4480 | Senator |