Battleground States : Michigan District Court Filings PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO STATE DEFENDANTS’ MOTION TO DISMISS AND FOR AN AWARD OF SANCTIONS ECF 85 Exhibit 1 ECF 85 Exhibit 2 PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO INTERVENOR DEFENDANT ROBERT DAVIS’ MOTION FOR SANCTIONS ECF 93 Exhibit 1 ECF 93 Exhibit 2 ECF 93 Exhibit 3 ECF 93 Exhibit 4 PLAINTIFFS OPPOSITION TO THE CITY OF DETROIT’S MOTION FOR SANCTIONS PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE SUPPLEMENTAL OPPOSITION ECF 109 Exhibit 1 ECF 109 Exhibit 2 PLAINTIFFS’ SUPPLEMENTAL OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR SANCTIONS ECF 111 Exhibit 1 PLAINTIFFS’ RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF ECF 120 Exhibit 1 ECF 120 Exhibit 2 THE SIXTH CIRCUIT CORRECTED OPENING BRIEF OF APPELLANTS REPLY BRIEF OF APPELLANTS Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure RULE 28 (J) Filing 1 Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure RULE 28 (J) Filing 2 ERRATA TO CORRECTED OPENING BRIEF OF APPELLANTS Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure RULE 28 (J) Jill Stein Litigation Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure RULE 28 (J) King v Whitmer SCOTUS Filings